All tuition will be paid at BEFORE making ANY payment, please read our Stripe Fulfillment Policy.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Click on “RETURN TO MERCHANT” after the payment to be redirected to the proper form to fill out and submit.
Life Learning Credits are assessed based on documented ministry and life/work experience as follows (ONLY BACHELOR):
*1 credit hours for each year part-time documented experience
*3 credit hours for each year full-time documented experience
NOTE: Student are required to document their life experience and demonstrate its direct relationship to the courses for which they are requesting Life Learning Credits.
EXPEDITED SHIPPING COSTS: If students require a document to be shipped overnight, it will be done at cost and the student is required to pay that cost in full before it will be mailed. The actual amount will be explained and agreed to ahead of time BEFORE the student is billed via PayPal.
At this time, West Coast Bible College & Seminary does not participate in the Federal Financial Aid program or the Veteran's G.I. Bill. As we continue to consider the pursuit of accreditation in the US, this may be a possibility in the future. However, we believe our low fees allow our students to be able to pursue a degree while incurring little or no debt.