BIBL 501 - Biblical Interpretation – This course will explore the academic study of hermeneutical principles, providing students with the analytical tools to interpret biblical texts contextually and theologically. The course bridges academic theory with practical application, enabling students to apply interpretative skills in diverse ministry contexts, academic research, and personal faith development.

BUSI 501 - Leadership and Administration in Ministry - This comprehensive course equips students with essential skills and insights to effectively lead and manage within a ministry context. Students will discover how to navigate organizational dynamics, develop strategic plans, and inspire teams while staying true to the values and principles of ministry leadership.

CMIN 501 - Understanding Church Ministries – This course will delve into the multifaceted nature of church ministries, combining theological foundations with practical approaches to leadership, administration, and pastoral care. It aims to equip students with both academic understanding and hands-on strategies for effective ministry within diverse church contexts.

CMIN 502 - Practical Duties of the Minister – This course will explore the foundational concepts and contemporary applications of church ministries, providing students with both theoretical understanding and practical insights into the organizational, educational, and pastoral functions of ministry within a church context.

CMIN 503 - Evangelism and Missions - This course equips students with essential skills and perspectives to engage in meaningful evangelism and missions’ work. Students will develop a deep understanding of sharing the Gospel and engaging in cross-cultural missions to impact communities worldwide.

COMM 501 - Effective Teaching in the 21st Century – This course will explore the diverse facets of church ministries, delving into their theological foundations and practical applications within contemporary Christian communities. It aims to provide students with both a deep academic understanding and the practical skills needed for effective ministry leadership.

COMM 502 - Biblical Preaching – This course will provide an in-depth exploration of the varied facets of church ministries, blending theoretical frameworks with practical applications to prepare students for effective ministry leadership. This course will delve into the art of biblical preaching, focusing on crafting messages with transformative potential through accurate scriptural interpretation and the strategic use of visuals, narratives, and other dynamic communication tools.

COUN 501 - Biblical Counseling – This course will explore the integration of biblical principles in counseling practices, aiming to equip students with the understanding and compassionate approaches needed to address a variety of counseling scenarios within a ministry context. Learners will gain the proficiency to apply scriptural insights to the exigencies of counseling, offering theologically sound and practically effective support.

COUN 502 - Counseling Skills and Techniques – This course will provide the aspiring biblical counselor with the essential skills and techniques required for effective counseling grounded in a biblical worldview. It emphasizes the use of Scripture for healing, understanding the impact of sin and the promise of salvation, fostering healthy attitudes, and guiding clients through the resolution of guilt.  

COUN 503 - Counseling Abuse and Addictive Behaviors – This course will explore the identification and intervention strategies for abuse and addictive behaviors, examining the indicators of abuse, the psychological impact on victims, communication strategies for support, and breaking the cycle of abuse. Students will further explore the dynamics of addiction, methods for disrupting addictive cycles, recovery resources, and strategies for maintaining long-term sobriety.

COUN 504 - Counseling Children and Adolescent Issues – This course will consider the complexities surrounding the challenges faced by children and adolescents, covering critical topics such as familial changes, substance abuse, interpersonal relationships, sexuality, maltreatment, eating disorders, and self-perception. Participants will gain insights into therapeutic approaches and scriptural strategies for fostering recovery and resilience in young individuals seeking counsel.

COUN 505 - Grief, Trauma, and Depression Counseling – This course will explore the origins and impacts of trauma, including shared experiences, reactions of the afflicted, methodologies for recovery, and appropriate strategies for counselors in a therapeutic environment. It will also examine the intricacies of counseling individuals coping with grief, trauma, and depression, highlighting the counselor's role in facilitating healing.

DGDS 501 - Introduction to Digital Discipleship - This comprehensive course explores the intersection of faith and technology in the modern age. Students will learn how to effectively utilize digital platforms to spread the message of their faith, engage with online communities, and navigate the ethical challenges of online communication.

DGDS 502 - Digital Spiritual Formation - This course will explore the intersection of spirituality and digital technologies. Through a blend of theoretical discussions and practical exercises, students will examine how digital platforms and tools can be harnessed to enhance personal and spiritual practices in the modern digital age.

DGDS 503 - Online Community Building - In this course, students will explore strategies for effective online engagement, content creation, and community management. Students will gain practical skills to navigate the digital landscape and cultivate vibrant online communities that foster meaningful connections and engagement.

DGDS 504 - Online Pastoral Care - In this course, students will explore the principles and practices of providing spiritual support and guidance in a digital age. Through interactive online discussions, case studies, and practical exercises, students will develop the skills needed to offer compassionate and effective pastoral care in virtual spaces.

DGDS 505 - Digital Outreach and Evangelism - In this course, students will explore the strategies and tools used in digital outreach and evangelism to effectively engage with diverse audiences and share messages of faith through online platforms.

ENG 501 - English Composition – This course will study the basic communication principles, with special emphasis on writing. The student will learn the basics of writing and discover how to communicate their thoughts on paper for others to read effectively. This is crucial in ministry as failure to properly communicate can create additional problems.

HIST 501 - Church History: Early Church to Reformation - In this course, students will thoroughly study Church History from the Early Church period through the Reformation. Through rigorous analysis of theological, cultural, and political developments, students will examine the growth of the Church, its doctrines, and its interactions with broader historical contexts.

HIST 502 - Church History: Reformation to Modern Times - In this course, students will explore the transformative period of Church History from the Reformation to Modern Times. Through an in-depth analysis of key events, figures, theological shifts, and socio-cultural influences, students will understand how the Christian Church evolved and responded to the challenges and changes of the early modern era through to the contemporary context.

LANG 501 - Hebrew Language Tools - In this course, students will acquire advanced proficiency in Hebrew language tools, focusing on linguistic analysis, syntactic structures, and textual interpretations. Through rigorous study and application, students will develop a comprehensive skill set for effectively engaging with Hebrew texts and enhancing their scholarly research endeavors.

LANG 502 - Greek Language Tools - In this course, students will explore Greek language tools in-depth, encompassing advanced methodologies and techniques for analyzing, interpreting, and utilizing Greek linguistic resources. Through rigorous instruction and scholarly inquiry, students will develop proficiency in employing diverse linguistic tools to enhance their comprehension and critical engagement with ancient Greek texts.

LANG 503 - Advanced Hebrew Language Tools - In this course, students will engage in an advanced study of Hebrew language tools, exploring intricate grammatical structures, idiomatic expressions, and nuanced textual analysis. Through rigorous exercises and scholarly discussions, participants will refine their linguistic proficiency and deepen their understanding of Hebrew language nuances, equipping them with advanced comprehensive text analysis and interpretation skills.

LANG 504 - Advanced Greek Language Tools - In this course, students will use advanced linguistic and philological methodologies to deepen their proficiency in Greek. Emphasizing a comprehensive study of grammatical structures, lexical nuances, and textual analysis, students will refine their language skills to higher precision and fluency.

LEAD 501 - Church Growth Principles – This course will look at principles that have enabled some churches to grow and flourish, even in a culture of challenges. Learn what it took for these leaders to get where they are today and discover what will work in your personal ministry setting.

LEAD 502 - Christian Leadership – This course will study the meaning of true Christian leadership by looking at the life of Christ and will help the student discover ways to personally live it out and implement it in whatever ministry capacity in which they are serving. Several historical and current church leaders’ lives will be discussed to help the student find their own personal leadership styles.

LIFE 501 - Christian Discipleship – This course will study the principles of Christian discipleship and how it applies to everyday life. In addition, the one being “discipled” will be challenged to disciple others. Special attention will be given to the call of Jesus’ disciples, how Jesus spent His time with His disciples, and how the student should share the disciple experience with others.

MEDM 501 - Introduction to Digital Media Ministry - In this course, students will comprehensively explore the foundational principles and practices underlying Digital Media Ministry. Students will develop a nuanced understanding of how digital media intersects with theological perspectives, communication theories, and ethical considerations within a ministry context.

MEDM 502 - Digital Storytelling for Ministry - In this course, students will explore Digital Storytelling and Multimedia Production for Ministry in-depth. Students will develop advanced skills in utilizing digital platforms and multimedia tools to convey religious narratives and messages in diverse ministry contexts effectively.

MEDM 503 - Digital Worship and Online Gatherings - In this course, students will explore the theoretical foundations and practical methodologies of Digital Worship and Online Gatherings within the context of contemporary religious practices. Through critical analysis and experiential learning, students will examine the integration of digital technologies and virtual platforms in facilitating meaningful religious expressions and fostering community engagement in digital environments.

MEDM 504 - Ministry Podcasting and Media Platforms - In this course, students will explore the strategic utilization of podcasting and various media platforms within the ministry context. Emphasizing theoretical and practical aspects, participants will analyze effective communication strategies, audience engagement techniques, and ethical considerations to disseminate messages and promote engagement in ministry settings effectively.

MEDM 505 - Digital Communication Ministry Strategies - In these courses, students will critically examine and apply advanced digital communication strategies and media platforms within the ministry context. Through rigorous analysis and practical engagement, students will develop a deep understanding of leveraging digital tools and media platforms to effectively communicate messages, engage communities, and enhance the impact of ministry endeavors.

THEO 501 - Old & New Testament Theology – This course will explore the principal theological motifs of the Old and New Testaments, guiding students through the compilation of the Bible, the persistent narrative of God's message, and the enduring nature of God's intentions within the human experience. It will accentuate pivotal figures and locales to enhance comprehension of biblical history.

THEO 502 - Theology of Digital Engagement - In this course, students will critically examine the intersection of theology and digital engagement, exploring digital technologies' ethical, cultural, and theological implications in various contexts. Through rigorous analysis and theological reflection, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of how digital platforms influence communication, community, and religious expression in the contemporary world.

THEO 503 - Pastoral Theology and Ministry Skills - In this course, students will thoroughly study Pastoral Theology and Ministry Skills, focusing on the theological foundations, ethical considerations, and practical competencies essential for effective leadership and service within a pastoral context. Through rigorous examination of theological principles and hands-on application of ministry skills, students will develop a well-rounded understanding of pastoral responsibilities and enhance their abilities to engage in meaningful pastoral care, counseling, preaching, and congregational leadership.

THEO 504 - Practical Theology: Ministry Contexts and Challenges - In this course, students will comprehensively explore Practical Theology, focusing specifically on Ministry Contexts and Challenges. Through rigorous study and analysis, students will examine the intricate interplay between theological principles and the real-world complexities of various ministry settings, equipping them with the skills and insights necessary to navigate contemporary challenges and effectively serve their congregations and communities.

WORS 501 - Worship Leadership – This course will explore the multifaceted nature of worship, its implementation within the local church context, and the dynamics of communication through worship. It will cover practical leadership skills for the platform, the responsibilities of a worship leader, the integral connection between worship and the church’s mission, the collaboration between pastor and worship leader, and the principles of sacrificial leadership.

WORS 502 - Worship As Life – This course will explore the comprehensive impact of worship on an individual's life, encompassing both private devotion and public expression. It examines the influence of the Trinity, personal spiritual practices, the integration of worship in evangelism, life's significant transitions, achieving balance in contemporary worship, and the enduring significance of worship beyond the temporal realm.

WORS 503 - Playing Together As A Worship Team – This course will explore the complexities of assembling and managing a worship team, focusing on individual devotion, identifying essential skills within members, and strategizing effective rehearsals. It offers practical guidance on instrument-specific roles, pastoral care for team members, addressing challenges, and unifying these elements to create a cohesive worship experience.

WORS 504 - Music Theory – This course will comprehensively examine fundamental music theory concepts such as scales, chords, transposing, inversions, and reading notation on both bass and treble clefs. It will also focus on understanding the key matrix and cultivating the musician's ear for aural skills development.

WORS 505 - The Arts in Worship – This course will explore the integration of technology within worship settings, examining its function and impact. It will focus on the strategic arrangement and visual harmony of different artistic expressions, the design of thematic sets that enhance the worship message, and the effective management of audio and lighting elements.

CAPS 601 - Capstone Project - In this course, students will engage in a culminating Capstone Project that encompasses synthesizing and applying their acquired knowledge. The project involves crafting three comprehensive 20-page papers, each focusing on distinct course topics of the student's selection, thereby showcasing a profound integration of theological insights and scholarly proficiency.