All students who have half of their degree program through WCBCS qualify for the license level (minimum 10 classes). Additionally, all two or three year graduates of Master's Commission International qualify for the License credential, with approval from MCIN leadership. You must be at least 19 years of age and, if not a graduate of an approved MCIN, must have completed a minimum of 1 year at the Christian Worker's level. Additionally, anyone with five or more years of ministerial experience or 2 years of ministerial experience and nan associate degree will be considered for licensing.

All WCBCS graduates qualify for ordination. However, you must be at least 21 years of age to qualify. Additionally, anyone with 10 years of ministry experience and no degree or 3 years of ministry experience and a bachelor degree from a reputable college will be accepted. 



1) Pay the application fee below. Upon payment, you will be automatically redirected to the credentialing forms page. You must bookmark that page for future reference.

2) Complete the application and submit it to the credentialing committee.

3) Submit two pastoral references and two personal reference forms. (These forms are on the same Credential Forms page which you will be redirected to upon payment. You will need to forward the link to the reference forms to the appropriate parties and have them complete the forms online. Once submitted, they will be received by our Credentialing Committee for review)

4) Once all forms have been received, you will be contacted within 30 days (usually much sooner) regarding your status. If you application has been accepted, you will receive a certificate indicating your specific credential.

5) All credentials are current for the remainder of the calendar year and must be renewed by January 1 of each subsequent year to remain current. Starting January 1, 2022, only one certificate will be issued initially and you will receive a ministerial credential card. In future years, you will only receive the card.

License Credentialing - $100

Ordination Credentialing - $150


1) Pay the application fee below. Upon payment, you will be automatically redirected to the Ministerial Credentialing forms page. You must bookmark that page for future reference. There will be a one-time $50 included in the initial payment for a background check.

2) Complete the renewal application and submit it to the credentialing committee.

3) If no information has changed from previous years, you will not need to complete additional forms or receive references. 

4) Once your renewal application has been received, you will receive a ministerial license or ordination card. Please sign the back using permanent ink or marker to make it official.

5) All credentials are current for the remainder of the calendar year and must be renewed by January 1 of each subsequent year to remain current. Only one certificate will be issued initially, but when the renewal is completed a credentialing card will be issued for the current year. 

Renewal of License Credentialing - $100

Renewal of Ordination Credentialing - $150